Wheel of Life

This vessel, a prayer wheel, born from earth pushed skyward by the ageless swirling of Earth’s living body into mountains. 

Mountains worn and washed over eons to sand and silt to clay while carried by waters to the ocean edge. 

There it falls, sifted by currents into sorted layers, dense and filled with life. 

More time goes by unmarked. 

The Earth’s surface shifts again. The once mountain sediments rise again shedding  ocean cover. 

At last the clay is lifted from its ancient bed to be worked by this short-lived potter who aligns its ovoid particles in a spinning whirl of plastic earth to become this vessel. 

The soft clay surface is carved and colored with images of this living world that speak of an eternal dance of life and time. 

The vessel is transformed by fire, melting the dry and fragile clay into glassy stone. 

So it stands, now open to evoke our visions for clarity, purpose, transformation, compassion, love, gratitude and peace. 

A sheltered spinning nest to be filled with a thousand varied prayers. Each one unique. Together weaving a song of our woven lives. 

Whole cloth to wrap this moment in the eternal round.