Uses for Prayer Wheels
The prayer wheels I make are not necessarily Buddhist as my inspiration for making them came from a different source many years ago. Today they are in use by people from many spiritual traditions. In the process of creating each vessel I write the words Peace, Love, Gratitude and Compassion on the inside. Aside from those four words the vessels are empty until people fill them with their own written prayers, intentions, memories or other meaningful items. Of course it is certainly possible to place traditional Buddhist mantras inside. While I have never done that myself I found this website to be a wonderful source of information of where to acquire the microfilm with mantras and how to install them correctly. I
Inspired by Chris's work and the opportunity that it provides individuals to interact with it; many people have found creative uses for the Prayer Wheels in their lives.
Prayer Wheels have been used in weddings, anniversaries, to honor individuals, to celebrate the beginning or ending of something special, to celebrate the spectacular world that we live in, and to celebrate places of worship. People can write their prayers, vows, hopes, dreams, and blessings on paper and place them in the vessel for posterity. Many of these wheels are custom designed to reflect the interests of the people getting it.
“Your prayer wheel has added a beautiful dimension to our worship services...After we (the ministers) read through the prayer requests and say a blessing, we then bring the paper over to the prayer wheel, place it inside and send our prayers forth with a spin of the wheel. Together we sing a song of blessing... while the wheel rotates before the congregation... a beautiful way to connect our worshipping community to our rituals of the season.”
I have always felt honored to create an Urn or Celebration of Life Prayer Wheel. What a beautiful and meaningful way to honor our dear family and friends. Some Celebration of Life Wheels serve as safe-keepers of special memories – a meaningful letter, photographs, a poem... a feather... a wedding ring.... Other Celebration of Life Wheels are designed to hold a beloved's ashes. People often opt to provide their own inner vessel to hold ashes. I can also make a lidded ceramic vessel to fit snuggly inside the prayer wheel. Depending on the wheel's size, both ashes and special mementos may fit inside.
“You captured the spirit of the person it remembers. You are a fantastic artist, your work is beautiful and unique. Thank you so much.”
Axis of Hope Prayer Wheels have been used in many settings with the intention of healing the Earth, its habitats, humanity, and individuals. The first Prayer Wheel made was in response to the Whatcom Creek Pipeline explosion and the one that was created for the ten year anniversary of the tragedy celebrated the healing that had taken place. Prayer Wheels have been installed in hospitals and cancer care center. They have been used in the entrance ways of yoga studios and wellness centers. Prayer Wheels can provide a focal point for healing energy and thoughts.
“It nearly cancels my fear of death, my dearest said,
When I think of cremation. To rot in the earth
Is a loathsome end, but to roar up in flame
– besides, I am used to it,
I have flamed with love or fury so often in my life,
No wonder my body is tired, no wonder it is dying.
We had great joy of my body. Scatter the ashes.”